Assess compliance and identify risks
An on-site visit to your setting by a specialist consultant to assess compliance and identify risks. This is your complete health and safety check.

Latest news and telephone support
This service gives you support from a specialist consultant as well as regular bulletins with the latest legislation straight to your in-box.

Cost effective health and safety courses
Delivered either face to face by us in selected areas or download one of our sessions-in-a-box for you to run in your own education setting.
An online document and policy bank
An easy to use online service giving you access to 100’s of documents and policies bespoke to your educational setting.
Specialist Health and Safety Consultancy for Schools
We are a Health and Safety Consultancy that are experts in health and safety across the education sector.
We offer a range of services to our clients to assist in compliance, affordability and enable you to do what you do best which is teaching and learning.
Our services include Safety Audits, Health and Safety Training, Competent Person Health and Safety Advice and specialist consultancy.
We offer a range of training solutions for our clients including face to face and remote delivery courses, eLearning and sessions in a box that can be delivered in house.
We offer a range of Health and Safety audits for example facilities Management, curriculum areas, annual risk management, health and safety audits to due diligence audits.
We provide a health and safety consultancy service where we support clients to carry out risk assessment reviews, health and safety policy updates and fill the gaps by putting in systems that are simple and effective and ensure compliance.
We keep our clients updated on Health and Safety issues through our Cousins Connect package that includes monthly ebulletins and 6th monthly newsletter.
Must have “sessions in a box” safety training courses for schools
Can be delivered by your staff remotely or in person
Library of Safety Templates for Schools
Unlimited access to over 400 Health and Safety templates, policies, procedures and risk assessments developed by a Health and Safety expert. The library will create the foundation of your school’s safety management system.
Most of the documents are in word format so they can be customised for your school or early years setting.
Competent Person
Health and Safety Telephone, Email advice
Monthly eBulletin, 6th Monthly Newsletter
We help schools answer questions and queries and provide assurance on any health and safety topic. This annual package provides piece of mind knowing the answer is only a phone call/email away.
Wish to find out more?
If you wish to discuss what service is right for your school or business then please call 01480 718007 for an informal chat or email info@cousinssafety.co.uk.