Cousins Safety Ltd provides professional health and safety consultancy services to Schools and Early Years settings.
We are passionate about supporting and helping Schools and Early Years in complying with health and safety.
We have extensive experience of working with schools and understand the challenges facing them and advise Head Teachers, Business Managers and Governors on all aspects of health and safety which can affect the school environment and delivery.
We have designed simple straight forward health and safety solutions to enable schools to achieve compliance whilst satisfying the Regulators such as DfE, Ofsted and the Health and Safety Executive (HSE).
Our aim is “to free up your time, so you concentrate on what you do best, which is teaching and learning.”
Cousins Safety work with schools of all sizes from small day nurseries to Foundation, Voluntary Aided, Free, Independent, Community Schools and Large Multi Academy Trusts providing health and safety solutions.

Sherryl Cousins MCIEH CEnvH CMIOSH
Chartered Environmental Health Practitioner
Chartered Safety Professional
OSHCR Registered Consultant

Scott Cousins
Business Support Manager
Sherryl Cousins is a Chartered member of the Institute of Occupational Safety & Health (CMIOSH) and Chartered Environmental Health Practitioner (MCIEH CEnvH) and has over 19 years experience of working with Schools delivering solutions that are simple and effective.
Scott Cousins, Business Support Manager supporting the business to provide a first-class customer service experience to our clients.