Dirty Computer Keyboards
Sounds disgusting but did you know computer keyboards harbour bacteria that can cause infections and illnesses that cause staff and pupil absences?
How many schools clean their keyboards?
Most never do!
Speak to your school/nursery IT guru for the best way to clean them but here is some general advice:
- Switch devices off before using even a little liquid on them.
- To clean LCD screens and other gadgets, use a microfibre cloth and gadget-safe cleaning liquid.
- Avoid harsh alcohol-based cleaners which can damage electronics and take the lettering off keys.
- Tip up a keyboard to shake out loose crumbs and dust.
- Consider buying one of those little USB-powered vacuum cleaners.
- Canned air is great for cleaning keyboards and hard-to-reach corners on devices.
- Consider getting a UV light to see dirt that you can’t see with the naked eye.
- Pay extra attention to space bars, trackpads and mice – anything that gets heavy use.
- Follow manufacturers’ instructions to avoid using cleaning products that might damage your devices.
- Keep your working environment clean and dust-free – it’ll reduce the amount of dust getting on and into your devices.
- Wash your hands before and after using a keyboard or use a hand sanitizer.
Identify a program of regularly cleaning the keyboards throughout the school – will it be IT or your cleaning staff?
Teachers and support staff
Eating at your desk is often too convenient and is common practice in schools.
Eating at desks should be discouraged! Staff should take a break from their screens and use a staff room for eating lunches. It is also important to encourage staff to eat away from their desks and have a break for their staff wellbeing.