
School buildings may contain asbestos if any part of them was built before 2000. It is extremely important that any asbestos present in a school is managed properly.

These templates assist schools in managing the risk to the health of your staff and pupils.

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Annual Asbestos review sheet

Ideally completed by Site Agent following asbestos awareness training.  The review assesses the condition of asbestos against the schools asbestos register recording any changes. Once completed this should be filed in the asbestos log.

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Asbestos Training record

Use to record staff training.

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Template Asbestos Log Book

Index of contents for asbestos folder

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Template Asbestos Folder (end)

Folder spine end to show contents of asbestos folder.

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Template Permission to Work form

All contractors and site agent carrying out works in the school should complete a  form each time they carry out works in a school.

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Note:  If you are a LA school please look to use your LA template (if they have one). 

Asbestos Management Plan

HSE word template to adapt to the school.

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